It is a silent revolution.
But it is a revolution of such tremendous magnitude that its repercussions will be felt for decades to come.
It is the Indian entrepreneurial revolution.
It has been almost 30 years in the making.
(Note to readers: This is the first of a two part post. In this first post, I will provide some necessary background to this revolution ... a revolution that is largely driven by an unexpected and unforeseen confluence of unintended consequences. I will begin by describing some other such unintended consequences in our history which have served to inadvertently accelerate India's entry into the global economy. And in my next post I will describe the full details of this new silent revolution, and explain why this revolution is happening just now.)
PROLOGUE: Case Studies in the Law of Unintended Consequences
And yet, despite all the shameful activities of the British East India company (and it successor, the British Empire), it did unintentionally spread English in the Indian subcontinent. This would have significant unintended consequences later on for India. It would later allow India to enter into global service industries with relative ease, and it would later allow Indian educated immigrants to more easily adapt to, and find success in, places like the UK and the US.
B. The Hijli Detention Camp:
When the British found themselves increasing under siege by masses of Indians fighting against Imperial rule in the early 20th century, they resorted to increasingly violent reprisals, killings, and torture.
And the pressure on costs brought on by the technology bust made the Indian offshoring value proposition even more appealing than ever.
- Companies are laying off employees by the tens of thousands.
- Banks are failing left and right.
- And as a result of significant political pressure, governments such as the US and the UK are severely cutting back on immigration into their respective countries.
- The gloom over Silicon Valley and Wall Street is perhaps the worst most people have seen in their lifetimes.
- And as a result, many of the professional employed in the Indian IT offshoring sector are finding their careers and livelihoods at risk
But just as the British East India Company, the construction of Hijli Detention Camp and the first Internet crash ultimate ended up unintentionally benefiting India, this perfect storm will also end up benefiting India.
All we have to do is open our eyes to see this happening already. We are now at the beginning stages of India's great silent revolution, one which will catapult India to the very forefront of the global technology industry for decades to come.
And for domestic technology startups, it will mean a true golden age unlike any we have seen before.
Why do I feel this is the case? In my next post, I will describe the early signs of this silent revolution, why they are emerging right now, and what all this means for us Indians everywhere, both in India and abroad.